Case Studies


Singapore Press Holdings & Singtel

Given client’s high ceiling of 3m & requirements to store thin CDs & tapes, Ace made use of thin yet sturdy compactus of 2.5m tall to accommodate clients request.

We max out the storage capacity by specially designing the compactus & to overcome stability, add necessary gadgets to make system into one full functional system.


SPACIO – Residential Products Range

Given our space crunch Singapore, our homes, offices, boutiques, warehouses are getting smaller. With Ace many years in proposing Space Optimising storage systems, we specially design Spacio range to solve this issues.

1-Wardrobe SPACIO is a scaled down version of compactus BUT for keeping/displaying clothes, assets, jewelleries, shoes, books etc. Ace has customised Dressing Table & Study Table into one system. As and when dresser is required, open Spacio & use it at your convenience. Once done, close-up Spacio & it is tug into one corner of room together with yr clothes & rest of assets. No extra space is required or wasted. Similarly for Study Table.

Given only minimal wall of 2.6m length by depth 1m & height 2.4m, we can achieve storage capacity of 4m in length as to compared with traditional 2.6m wall-up cabinets with just 2.6m storage capacity.

2-Wine-Kitchen SPACIOSimilar concept as Wardrobe Spacio, Wine-Kitchen SPACIO can be use as display/storage for your favourite bottle of wines, Chinas, Culinary utensils etc.

Given only minimal wall of 1.8m length by depth 1m & height 1.8m, we can achieve storage capacity of 3m in length as to compared with traditional 1.8m wall-up cabinets with just 1.8m storage capacity.